Easy brownies

Don’t be put off by this recipe looking long - I’ve just broken down the steps into smaller ones, because I find it easier to follow that way.

The recipe makes a lot of brownies! You could halve the recipe or eat some and freeze some. I often freeze them for packed lunches - if I take them out of the freezer in the morning, they are defrosted by lunchtime.

(Recipe from BBC Good Food)

You will need:

  • 30cm x 21cm tin

  • Microwaveable bowl

  • Large bowl

  • Electric whisk

  • Kitchen scales

  • Tablespoon and knife

  • Baking paper to line the tin

  • 375g good quality dark chocolate

  • 375g butter (and a bit more for greasing the tin)

  • 500g caster sugar

  • 6 medium free-range eggs

  • 225g plain flour

  1. I find it helpful to put all my ingredients together on a tray, to help organise the tasks and so I don’t miss anything out! (There are a lot more tips on my post “Cooking whilst dyspraxic!”)

  2. Butter and line the tin.

  3. Cut the butter into roughly 2cm pieces.

  4. Break the chocolate into pieces.

  5. Preheat the oven to 180C/ 160C fan/ Gas 4.

  6. Put the chocolate and the butter into a microwaveable bowl and melt together in the microwave on medium for 2 mins 30 seconds.

  7. Carefully take out of the microwave (as the bowl may be hot), stir, then heat again for 1 minute. Stir. As microwaves differ, keep repeating this until the mixture is melted.

  8. Break the eggs in a large bowl and beat with the sugar until combined (I use an electric whisk).

  9. Stir in the melted chocolate/ butter mixture.

  10. Add the flour and mix well.

  11. Pour into the tin.

  12. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until the top looks papery and feels slightly wobbly.

  13. Leave to cool in the tin.

  14. Cut into pieces and enjoy!


Overnight muffins


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