an opinion shared…
Here are my reviews of some of the products I’ve tried recently and places I’ve visited. I like to try new things and get out and about so this one might run and run! Maybe you’ll find some things you like (and some to avoid!)
My reviews
Jarvis Pickle pies
Pies by post! A review of my favourite pies from Scotland.
M&S, near St albans and m25
Another cafe near a motorway! This M&S has been recently refurbished and is very easy to get to.
Tiptree tea rooms
Great cafes in Essex and Suffolk!
Rice Noodles
I love rice noodles, and got into eating them when my mum was trying out a gluten-free diet. Click below to find out which noodles I think are worth buying!
There are so many plant-based milks out there but they have very different impacts on the planet. I’ll help you choose which has the best environmental footprint.
how to choose planet-friendly food?
M&S Stevenage, flagship store
M&S have opened a new store in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, near the A1, and it’s worth a visit!
Bettys tearooms, Yorkshire
Bettys have several tearooms and shops across Yorkshire - visits are a treat!